
4 Reasons Why Interesting Smell Creeps Up Out of the Sink

It is disconcerting to say the least when you turn on the faucet or shower and smell something funny. The truth is, foul-smelling water is a setback that can arise with no warning. And when this happens, you begin to worry because it might hurt important daily chores such as cooking, bathing, and dishwashing. Your health might also be at risk if you don’t solve the problem immediately.

So why does the supply from your water storage tank has a strange whiff? Is that an indication of something harmful? Keep on reading to know the most common causes and most effective solutions to this stinking issue.

1. Presence of bacteria in your water storage tank

When your water starts to smell like rotten eggs, there’s a big possibility that your pipes and tank have sulfur-reducing bacteria. These microorganisms are found in oxygen-deficient environments and produce hydrogen sulfide as they feast on decomposing matter. Hydrogen sulfide, which becomes stuck in the plumbing system, is the gas that produces the foul odor. The bacteria alone are not a threat to your wellbeing, but they promote the growth of other microbes that can clog your water system.

What you should do? Install an iron filter to reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide in your water storage tank. This will treat your home’s entire water supply.

2. Water storage tank has been left unused for too long

This problem usually arise when you are away from home for an extended period of time. So once you come back, check if the appalling aroma of dirt and grime strikes your water supply. The insufferable smell could be originating from the bacteria that was harvested while the water tank was not in use.

What you should do? It is advised to flush and disinfect your stainless-steel water tank with a chlorine bleach solution. Do this with the help of a water treatment professional.

3. Chlorine contamination

Chlorine is a common contaminant in households that acquire water from local municipalities, since it is a proven disinfectant that has been used for years. It’s the same chemical that is used in swimming pools so it is generally safe in limited quantities for humans. Most of the time, the main complaint with chlorine-treated water is the smell and taste, which can be unpleasant to drink and cook with.

What you should do? Install a carbon filtration system in your polyethylene water storage tank. This filter adsorbs water impurities which include chlorine. For extra precautions, you may also can get chlorine monitors if you feel like the odor is excessive.

4. Presence of high level of iron

If your water suddenly becomes musty or earthy, it’s an indication of a high-iron content in your supply. While this is not toxic, you probably won’t enjoy how it tastes. Too much amount of iron in your water can also lead to slimy build-ups in the sink and toilet.

What you should do? Sanitize your water system, including your water softener. It can easily be treated with an iron filter or chlorine treatments.


While most water strange odors in your water don’t necessarily denote a serious problem, you should never take them for granted. Doing so might risk your health and wellbeing.

Contact Firstank Philippines if you wish to investigate why your water tank smells. Our staff are expertly trained and ready to offer the best solution for your water system.