
7 Vital Steps for Securing Residential Water Tanks in the Philippines

Access to clean water can be challenging in certain parts of the country. That is why residential water tanks serve as a lifeline for many households in the Philippines. To ensure a reliable and safe water supply, it’s crucial to implement proper measures in securing water storage tanks. Here are seven essential steps that homeowners can take to safeguard their clean water supply.

1. Choose the right water storage tank.

The foundation of a secure water supply begins with selecting an appropriate water storage tank. Homeowners in the Philippines often have the option of choosing between stainless steel tanks and plastic water tanks. Stainless steel tanks are durable and resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for long-term use. Plastic water tanks, on the other hand, are cost-effective and lightweight. Consider the specific needs of your household and the local climate when choosing the material for your tank.

2. Regular inspection and maintenance is a must.

Performing regular inspections of your water storage tank is paramount. In our country, where typhoons and tropical storms are common, tanks can be subjected to harsh weather conditions. Check for any signs of damage, leaks, or corrosion. Implement a routine maintenance schedule to address minor issues promptly and prevent them from escalating into larger problems that could compromise the cleanliness and safety of your water supply.

3. Install secure lids and screens.

Securing your water storage tank means keeping contaminants out. Install secure lids and screens to prevent debris, insects, and animals from entering the tank. Remember that mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent in our region, thus, ensuring that your tank is properly sealed becomes even more critical. Mesh screens can be added to openings to provide an additional layer of protection.

4. Implement a first flush system.

In regions with sporadic rainfall patterns, like the Philippines, implementing a first flush system can help improve water quality. This system diverts the initial rainwater, which may contain pollutants from the roof, away from the main water storage tank. This simple addition minimizes the risk of contaminants entering the tank, contributing to a cleaner and safer water supply.

5. Consider UV sterilization for plastic tanks.

For those using plastic water tanks, incorporating UV sterilization systems can enhance water safety. This effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms, ensuring that the water stored in plastic tanks remains potable. This is particularly crucial for households relying on stored rainwater as their primary water source.

6. Elevate tanks above ground.

Elevating water storage tanks above ground level is a preventive measure against flooding, a common occurrence in the country during the rainy season. Installing tanks on platforms or stands helps protect the water supply from potential contamination due to floodwaters. It also facilitates easier inspection and maintenance.

7. Educate household members.

Ensuring the security of your water supply extends beyond physical measures. Educate all members of your household on proper water usage and hygiene practices. Emphasize the importance of not contaminating the water source, proper waste disposal, and personal hygiene to maintain the integrity of the stored water.

Securing a clean water supply from residential water tanks requires a multi-faceted approach. From choosing the right type of water storage tank to implementing maintenance routines and educating household members, these steps collectively contribute to a reliable and safe water source for families in diverse environments across the country. By taking these measures seriously, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their water supply is secure and free from potential contaminants.