
Choosing Your Water Tank Pump

Most people are now investing in water tanks in the Philippines. So, if you haven’t gotten one for your household yet, maybe now is the time to make that decision. Apart from being able to save from the recurring monthly water bill, you also get to help save the environment. 

If you’re considering getting one, you’ll need to know that apart from choosing the right water tank, you’ll also have to get a water pump to successfully supply water to your entire household. With that, here’s a few pointers in choosing the right water tank pump for your home.

Distance between home and tank

Distance plays a huge consideration in getting a water tank pump. This is because distance dictates how much power your pump needs for the water to reach your house. The farther your house is from the tank, the more power your pump needs to have. It’s also wise to consider the height the water needs to travel if you own a multi-storey structure.

Most pumps would claim that they are suitable for multi-storey or small homes, however, this claim isn’t always 100 percent accurate. To be on the safe side, make sure you get a pump  that has a head pressure of 20-50 meters just so it has the power to defy gravity in supplying water to the upper floors.

Water pressure requirements

Next thing to consider is what you’re using your water for, and how much water pressure you need to carry out those tasks.

Water pressure is measured in liters per minute (LPM). Most pumps would indicate the max LPM it can provide, and this is what you’ll need to look at. But before shopping for a pump, you need to calculate the total LPM your household uses. If you’re only going to use your tank water for toilets or washing machines, then a low flow rate may suffice. But if you need it for watering your garden plants or even showers, you’ll need a more powerful pressure with at least 20 LPM.

Take note that the taps at your household may sometimes run open simultaneously, so you’ll have to match your pump’s max LPM with your total desired pressure for all tap locations at your house. 

Pump Noise

Of course we wouldn’t want to be the annoying neighbor who disturbs the entire neighborhood whenever we run our taps. So, considering the pump noise is another important aspect in choosing a water tank pump.

The type of pump and its frequency of activity is determinant of how much noise it makes. Regardless of type, however, pumps are expected to make noise. In order to minimize such, you may choose to buy or build a pump cover that would enclose your pump. Not only will this lower the noise, it will also provide protection for your water pump. 

If you’re looking to save space while muting your pump, get a submersible tank pump and have it installed inside your water tank. 

Consider energy use

We get it. It’s quite tempting to get the most powerful pump so you won’t have to worry about getting the water cut off while you’re covered in soap suds as you shower. But do remember that every time a tank is used, it consumes electricity and may run up your bill.

Remember, water isn’t the only resource we’re slowly running out of, so you might want to save up on your electric energy as well. Start by getting just the appropriate pump for your household.

Water pumps and water tanks usually go hand in hand. Especially if you want a sufficient supply of water to all your taps at home. Knowing these pointers would definitely help you in choosing and save you from the extra expense of buying the inappropriate one. 

But if you’ve read through the entire article and still think that you’re not confident in choosing a pump by yourself, you can always consult the experts. Consider paying a visit to Firstank’s website to check out their products. You may also rely on their expertise as they have credible experience about water tanks in the Philippines.