
The Best Home Water Tank in the Philippines

Water is an essential part of living. And with water shortages here and there, it’s wise to invest in water tanks in the Philippines. Whether you’re a homeowner, a micro-entrepreneur with a small office, or a big-shot building owner, there’s no denying that your home or establishment will need water, thus, the necessity for a water tank.

With this fact, it is essential to know everything about water storage tanks before selecting one for your home or business. Tanks come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and dimensions. And while choosing one seems simple, it actually goes beyond what meets the eye.

Here’s a checklist for you to go through to make sure you’re choosing the most appropriate water storage tank.

1. Storage Capacity

Probably the most important aspect to check, storage capacity dictates whether you’ll have enough water stored for your entire household. Choosing the right capacity will, of course, depend on how many people are using water and the kinds of activity they use water with. According to studies, an average household of 4 persons can consume up to 360 liters of water per day. Based on this number, you can gauge how big of a storage capacity you’ll need for your home.

2. Durability

Water tanks are usually placed outdoors and are subject to temperature and environmental changes. This is why choosing a durable home water storage tank is important. Always check the material used for the water tank, and also ensure that the lid is secured enough to keep dust and other contaminants off your water.

3. Shape

Like sizes, tanks also come in different shapes. While most of the water tanks we see are cylindrical, there are also square and cube ones. Each of them have different pros and cons, so this will largely depend on the space you have available. Cylindrical tanks are best for big spaces, while square ones can fit into corners and could save you some floor area.

4. Position

The positioning of your tank can affect the water pressure, which also has an effect on the level of water supply you’ll be getting. Consider your space and your activities to decide whether you’d like an overhead or underground tank. Overhead ones are best for daily usage, while underground ones make for a good option for emergency water storage during shortages.

5. Color

This aspect plays an important role when the tank you’ve chosen is a plastic one. More than just for aesthetic purposes, the color of your tank greatly contributes to the prevention of algae growth in your containers. Light-colored ones usually allow some light to pass through causing algae to grow, while dark-colored ones fully block the light.

6. Brand

Choosing a well-known water tank brand would mean dealing business with a reliable provider. Getting one from a reputable name in the industry secures you that the tank you’re getting has gone through certifications and government approval. Brand doesn’t always equate to affordability, but in some cases, however, you get lucky and get a brand like Firstank, which offers both reliability and affordability at the same time, making them one of the leading names in the industry of water tanks in the Philippines.